Monthly Archives: octubre 2021

English made simple

carole/ octubre 28, 2021/ Blog Carole Brown Idiomas, Exams, Grammar, Pronunciation, Speaking, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing/ 0 comments

There is no doubt that learning a new language has its complications. The main one being that we can never directly translate from our native language into the second language. For example, we say in English I am hungry but if we make a direct translation in Spanish Estoy hambre, it doesn´t make any sense as the verb they use is Tener (to have) not Estar (to be) = Tengo hambre.

Use of the verbs Suggest and Recommend and their differences in meaning

carole/ octubre 4, 2021/ Blog Carole Brown Idiomas, Business Themes, Grammar, Learning online, Speaking, Spelling, Writing/ 0 comments

When we are suggesting something, we are endorsing it as a promising idea only. There is no obligation on the third party to follow through. When we are recommending something, we are advising what should be done in a particular situation which would benefit the third party. It holds more weight than suggest and makes the receiver sit up and take note.