carole/ octubre 4, 2021/ Blog Carole Brown Idiomas, Business Themes, Grammar, Learning online, Speaking, Spelling, Writing/ 0 comments

When we are suggesting something, we are endorsing it as a promising idea only. There is no obligation on the third party to follow through

Let´s look at how we use the verb to suggest in the context of using a Suggestion Box at work:

Why don´t we (+ verb) have a casual dress day on Fridays?

Have you thought about (+ing) installing water coolers on every floor?

We could always (+verb) offer creche facilities

Couldn´t we (+ verb) do a team building weekend away?

When we are recommending something, we are advising what should be done in a particular situation which would benefit the third party. It holds more weight than suggest and makes the receiver sit up and take note.

Let´s look at how we use the verb to recommend in the context of office management:

I think we should consider (+ noun/ing) opening earlier on Mondays

We might be better off (+ing) outsourcing our manufacturing facility to China

It´s probably worth (+ing) investing more money in advertising

It might prove (+ adjective) worthwhile opening a new office in Chicago

I have a few reservations about (+ing /noun) hiring new staff

I´d rather not (+verb) change the working hours

I´d recommend (+that) that we give a bonus in December

It would be better (+infinitive) to open on Saturdays

About carole

Carole es una profesora de inglés establecida de Cambridge Delta con 8 años de experiencia docente en España. Está altamente calificada con un B.A. en idiomas.

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