carole/ mayo 23, 2019/ Blog Carole Brown Idiomas, Exams, Grammar, Pronunciation, Reading, Speaking, Technology, Vocabulary, Writing/ 0 comments

Using idioms can help you sound more fluent in English. As these fixed expressions are not literal, they can be quite difficult to understand. For example, it’s raining cats and dogs does not mean that dogs and cats are falling out of the sky but rather it is raining very heavily! As in every foreign language, the list of idioms is long and impossible to learn out of context. For this reason, I have chosen to contextualise them in the Workplace. The list is not exhaustive but rather consists of six idioms with their corresponding definitions.

1.       To think on your feet To act and take a decision quickly
2.       To play something by ear To react to things as they happen without a plan
3.       To get something off your chest To tell someone your problems
4.       To stick your neck out To help someone a lot, possibly with negative consequences
5.       To give someone a pat on the back To offer recognition for a job well done
6.       To have your head screwed on To be sensible and able to make logical decisions

It is important to remember that their use is more informal than formal. You need to have some knowledge of the person you are talking to, otherwise you may sound a bit off key. For example, you would not say to the Chief Executive of your organisation that you needed to get something off your chest, but you could, however, say this to a colleague you know well. You may refer to your Manager as a good decision maker by saying that he/she can think on his/her feet. You may want to offer recognition to a colleague for a job well done by wanting to give them a pat on the back. Whatever the reason for using them, once they are said in the right context with the right definition, they will make you sound more fluent and natural.

So, why not start using them now!

About carole

Carole es una profesora de inglés establecida de Cambridge Delta con 8 años de experiencia docente en España. Está altamente calificada con un B.A. en idiomas.

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